Trevar Chu
5946 Angus Drive
Vancouver, B.C.
V6M 3P1
Home: (604)261-8661
Hello, my name is Trevar Chu. I have been a lifetime resident of Vancouver, British Columbia. I am looking forward eagerly to hear your response to my resume.
My education includes Gr. 9 high school education at St. George's School, with honours classes and a couple AP classes. Other education include swimming, P.E., woodwork, Army Cadets, and assorted community centre courses.
Job Experience
My job experience includes lunch hour KP duty, two hours worth. I have also helped distribute flyers for a one time pay of ten dollars. I am highly experienced in yardwork, from handling a leaf blower, to rake, to push mower, and the fine art of brute hacking with the simple metal garden utensils.
As I stated before, I have a great knowledge of tidying up the yard. However, I did not mention that I am adept at growing plants, plucking apples from apple trees, and even lashing fallen vines back to your fence! Housecleaning and chores are also one of my expert abilties. My main sport is badminton. I mean, we have to face the fact that every successful company has a good badminton player in the ranks. I have good typing skills, internet researching, and model building. I have also watched many movies, to which we can compare our criticisms to find out how much we criticize in common. My interests cover camping, wilderness survival, archery, slingshots, rifles, computer related topics such as gaming and programming, inventive and constructive thinking, management, consulting, and discovering new things.
Trust me, you don't need them. It'll save your time by taking my word that you won't regret hiring me! ;o)
Trevar Chu